
Lin Yi wanted to ask if the guy was retarded for butting into where he did or didn’t live, but this was Mengyao’s house. He only looked at him out of respect for the Miss before walking away.

Mengyao knew what Jianwen was trying to get at, as well, but didn’t feel like answering a question like that at all.

Jianwen, on the other hand, seemed to be quite oblivious to what the two thought of the situation. “Yao Yao, do you two not sleep together at night?”

Mengyao frowned, but Yushu spoke up before she could respond. “I sleep with Yao Yao at night!”

Jianwen’s eyes almost turned wet from hearing that- Yushu had finally said something comforting all these years he’d known her!! What a good job she’d done!!!