
“Brought him back, and got him back home first.” Lin Yi said. “The guy’s got no guts, and really skinny and starved. Don’t want him dying on me on the road or anything, so I brought him back to his dad first…”

“Oh?” Pengzhan took the news happily. “He’s home already? That’s great news! Yi, you really are our lucky star- all my problems have been solved with ease ever since you came!”

“Ah… Don’t lower your guard just yet, Uncle Chu. Jin Gubang’s really just a clown on the front stage- the guy behind him, that’s the problem we should be focusing on.” Lin Yi warned. “Even Li Cihua’s just a representative…”

“I understand that, but they’ve been plotting against my Pengzhan Industries for a long time now- they wouldn’t be able to pull any moves without an insider helping them. I’ll teach that Jin Gubang traitor a lesson later.” Pengzhan nodded- outsiders stood no chance if the shareholders were banded together.