
“Yeah……” Qiqi nodded.

“Well? Take your clothes off! What’re you doing?” Lin Yi eyed the girl looking blankly at him.

“My… My clothes? Do I have to?” Qiqi said.

“Just open up the shoulder part.” Lin Yi frowned. “I saw everything the last time, and I’m not interested in a girl dead set on killing me for revenge.”

“You think _I’m_ interested?!” A flash of rage flashed across Qiqi’s face, but she pulled her collar down anyway, revealing her snow white shoulder… There was a prominent hole of blood in it.

“Shh!” Lin Yi’s eyes were focused on her shoulder as he made a quick, light line with the blade, giving the bullet a quick flick outwards onto the chair.

He took out his self-made herbal salve and applied it on the wound, telling her not to pull her clothes back up just yet.

“Okay……” Her wounds had healed miraculously fast the last time Lin Yi healed her- her flesh had finished regenerating that very night. She found Lin Yi’s skill with salves very impressive.