
Feng Xiaoxiao decided to take the initiative and cause him some trouble.

Lin Yi looked at Xiaoxiao, confused. As clichéd as the damsel in distress scenario seemed, it was true that it was an effective way to move someone’s heart.

Except, Lin Yi hadn’t felt Xiaoxiao’s heart being moved at all yesterday!

If they were talking about saving a damsel in distress, he’d saved Tang Yin a couple of times. She never did anything like pledging herself to him! His current relationship with her had formed only through experiences and a long amount of time.

It was the same for the Miss as well. He’d saved her many times too, but you didn’t see her expressing anything.

So Xiaoxiao confessing to Lin Yi after he saved her that one time was very unbelievable.

“Lin Yi, out of all the men I’ve met, you’re the only one who’s moved my heart!” Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Yi longingly, her face red as she spoke.

Lin Yi was about to say something when a ringtone sounded. It was Lin Yi’s phone.