Guan Xuemin’s Opponent

 Guan Xuemin's Opponent

Due to the influences and seriousness of this case, after reporting it to the health authorities, they had quickly gathered the renowned doctors in the medical world and formed a group of experts for this case. All of them were on their way to the Songshan's second hospital.

Guan Xuemin was one of the people in charge of this group of experts. In normal circumstances, Xuemin'd never accept to visit the patients, but things were different this time. It was a big case, an unknown situation, no less. Naturally, the respected and experienced Guan Xuemin was invited!

Soon, the group of experts entered the emergency room and started analyzing the conditions.

"I think that this is a new unknown virus!" one of the experts said. He was the chairman of the Songshan's medical association, Zhang Weikang. "We have to report this to the international health organization. We need to get the experts from the other countries to do research here!"