Taking a Peek Inside

Exactly half a day has passed ever since Su Yang began cultivating inside the hut with his thirty-two partners.

In these 12 hours, he'd managed to cultivate with everyone inside at least four times, made them climax countless times, and recovered one-third of his Profound Qi.

And surprisingly, although some of them had to rest for a few hours, none of the thirty-two women inside have fully given up or left the bed yet.

However, it was clear to Su Yang that more than half of these women were either close to their limit or are already at their limit. If he continued to cultivate with them any further, it would not only harm their bodies but it might also burden their mind.

"I can tell that some of you are already at your limit. I greatly appreciate your company and assistance today, but you should leave before I harm your body." Su Yang said to them.

However, they were reluctant to leave.