Life-Saving Treasures

"Where do you think you're going?! We're not finished here yet!" The Silver Phantom shouted when Su Yang started walking toward the exit.

"We're not? Xu Xuan isn't here, so I have no reason to be here. Xiao Rong cannot stay here, so she has no reason to be here. What else is there to do here?" Su Yang looked at them with a puzzled face.

The Silver Phantoms, their frustration palpable, gritted their teeth in response to Su Yang's defiance.

"Even if she refuses to join us, we still have an obligation to protect her bloodline! That is our duty as Ghost Cats! We cannot let her leave without ensuring that she'll be safe without us!" 

Su Yang saw this as an opportunity and did not refute the Silver Phantoms. In fact, he even welcomed it.