Energy tank

Several hours pass and Wang Huo slowly recovers. When he manages to move smoothly, he returns to the entrance of the cave to check out the formation.

After a few blows in the formation Wang Huo realizes that small cracks appear when he strikes with all his strength, but they recover immediately, being almost imperceptible to see them.

"Hm! It seems like this training can be recovering by itself. So it's better to fully recover before trying to break the lineup. " Wang Huo thinks

Ming Zhandou had just awakened from his cultivation.

"Wang Huo. Let's bake more meat. " Ming Zhandou smiles.

Although he was injured he was enjoying cultivating in this cave.

"It's better to save some food, we do not know when we can break the training at the entrance and leave this place. As we are still recovering we will leave the formation aside for now and focus on recovering. " Wang Huo answers.

"OK". Ming Zhandou had not yet come to see the barrier, as he was not in a position to do much, so he did not care much about this training.

Wang Huo removes the tiger's core so he can place his corpse on the storage ring. After removing the core and picking up the core in hand, Wang Huo can not feel the violent energy that Ming Zhandou spoke of.

He takes the pill that the elder gave him when he changed his stitches. Holding the pill and the core in each hand Wang Huo frowns.

Just feeling the energy Wang Huo could not understand the difference between the pill and the core. The only difference to him was that the core contained more energy than the pill.

"Ming Zhandou, what is the difference between this pill and this core? ". Wang Huo asks Ming Zhandou showing his hands.

"The violent energy that is coming out of the core. Are not you feeling this? ". Question Ming Zhandou.

"Not. For me both emit the same energy, but the core has a lot more energy. " Wang Huo answers.

The two are confused by this. While Wang Huo did not feel the violent energy, Ming Zhandou felt.

Without understanding why this happened, Wang Huo decides not to think about it now. Since his cultivation was very slow in this place he decides to absorb his last pill.

After swallowing the pill and beginning to absorb her energy, Wang Huo realizes something strange. The absorbed energy seemed to be fading into his body.

Wang Huo begins to get agitated by this fact. His cultivation was not increasing at all. Without any alternative he decides to find out what was happening with the energy.

He begins to feel the path of energy and realizes that the energy was being absorbed by his blood. Upon realizing this he begins to feel the energy contained in his blood.

"What is it? ". Think Wang Huo. Upon realizing the energy in his blood he realizes that it was as if his blood contained a tank that was being filled with that energy.

A few minutes later all the energy is absorbed by his blood, but Wang Huo discovers that the energy absorbed was not enough to fill the tank.

"Then that's it ". Think Wang Huo.

"The energy I used to take that last blow must have come from that place." When realizing this Wang Huo is happy, because the energy that he just absorbed would not be wasted. At least he could use her on his blows.

Wang Huo continues to cultivate for a few more hours, but little effect does. All the energy he absorbed was also going first to that tank.

"It seems like first I must fill this tank before I can increase my cultivation." Wang Huo feels powerless to discover this. He was happy that he could use the energy of this tank to increase the power of his blows, but if the tank was empty, it looked like it should be filled before he could increase the cultivation.

Wang Huo awakens from cultivation, when he does so he sees that Ming Zhandou is also no longer cultivating.

"You look better." Wang Huo speaks.

"Yes, cultivating here in here seems like my wounds recover faster. I can move now with a little pain. " Ming Zhandou answers.

Wang Huo recalls that his cultivation was also affected by where they were. What affected its cultivation was the darkness, but what was affecting the cultivation of Ming Zhandou.

"Do you know why your cultivation is faster here? ". Question Wang Huo.

"No, I thought about it too, but I could not find an answer. The only time the speed of my cultivation was affected was that time in the battle arena, but that time the amount of improvement was tiny, and here the improvement is significant. " Ming Zhandou answers. He was anxious to find out, because if he found out he could use this to improve the speed of his cultivation always.

Wang Huo begins to reflect on this.

"What do you have in common in the battle arena and here in this place? ". Think Wang Huo.

In the battle arena there was nothing unusual, nothing different from other places like your residence or the forest. But in this place it was dark and besides several bones thrown on the ground there was nothing unusual.

"Wait, there are those bones that they did not have elsewhere. That may be the factor. " Think Wang Huo.

"In this place I found several bones when I took a turn in it." Wang Huo speaks.

"Hm! But in the battle arena there were no bones, and there was also change. " Ming Zhandou answers.

Wang Huo still could not figure out what the connection was between the battle arena and this place.

"What was in the battle arena .... Battle arena ... battle .... That's it! ". Think Wang Huo.

"I know what it can be." Wang Huo speaks.

"Which is? ". Question Ming Zhandou. He was eager to find out, as this would help him in cultivating.

"In the arena of battle, as its name says is a place that takes place many battles. Already here with this great amount of bones gives to say that there was a great battle or several battles in that place. I think that's the point, it seems that a place that has had several battles improves its cultivation. " Explains Wang Huo.

Listening to this Ming Zhandou is excited, what Wang Huo had said made sense to him.

"But because here the speed of my cultivation is greater." Question Ming Zhandou.

"I'm not sure, it could be because there were deaths here in the battle, or even because here the fighters were stronger." Wang Huo answers.

Ming Zhandou did not much care about the exact answer. Just knowing the reason already made him happy.

"It does not matter much. It is enough to know that it is related to the battles. " Ming Zhandou answers.

Realizing the animation of Ming Zhandou, Wang Huo speaks.

"Now you know why I was agitated trying to figure out why the speed of my cultivation kept changing." Wang Huo comments.

"Yes. But for you it is still easier, it is only you to cultivate receiving the sunlight. But how do I find places that there have been battles to cultivate? ". Ming Zhandou speaks.

"For being, but here I can not cultivate almost anything. Just to fill the energy tank in my blood will take some time. ". Wang Huo speech discouraged.

"Blood energy tank? What are you talking about? ". Question Ming Zhandou confused.

"Hm? Have not you noticed that yet? When we are cultivating some of the energy is absorbed by the blood, in order to fill a reserve energy tank. Since I used the whole energy from the tank, I have to fill it first. " Explains Wang Huo.

Ming Zhandou is even more confused to hear Wang Huo's explanation. Realizing the confusion on Ming Zhandou's face, Wang Huo speaks.

"Try to feel the energy in your blood and you will understand."

Ming Zhandou resolves to do what Wang Huo said. After a few minutes of cultivation he awakens.

"I can not feel any of this. Even when I absorb energy, no part of it is absorbed into my blood. ". Ming Zhandou speaks.

This time it is Wang Huo who gets confused while listening to Ming Zhandou. He was absolutely sure about the tank in his blood that acted as a reserve of energy.

"I've never heard of swimming like that either." Ming Zhandou comments.

"This is strange, I'm sure of it. And I also realized that I used the energy of that tank to deliver that last blow to the tiger. " Responds Wang Huo confused.

Ming Zhandou was thinking that Wang Huo was only confused, but when he heard about the last blow in the tiger and reminded him of it, Ming Zhandou found it difficult not to believe in Wang Huo.

"That would explain the power behind that blow." Ming Zhandou speaks.

"Well, we can figure this out if we ask some elder at the academy, or we can go to the library."

The academy library was not a very popular place, so very few students would go there. There were records in the library about the empire's past, about some great cultivators of the past. But the only thing that attracted the students was that in the library there were some records explaining how they appeared and characteristics of herbs and beasts, which helped complete some missions.