A few more days pass and Wang Huo had consumed another beast core level three. Consuming this core was not enough to make Wang Huo move forward again, but he felt he was very close.
Ming Zhandou had consumed his last pill and had managed to advance to the fourth level of the martial foundation.
After they finish cultivate the two resolve to try to break the formation again.
"Let's start with everything from the beginning." Wang Huo speaks.
The two prepare and deliver their most powerful blows.
The blows of the two can create a small hole in the formation, but the formation regenerated very fast and the size of the hole would not allow them to pass through it.
After a few more blows trying to increase size in the hole, Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou stop trying.
"It looks like we need a little more power." Ming Zhandou speaks.
Without another option, the two return to cultivate. Wang Huo resolves to absorb the core of the four level beast this time around. Already Ming Zhandou did not have any more pills, only cultivating in that place made his speed of cultivation was greater than normal.
Another week goes by while Wang Huo was absorbing the core. This time he had left the storage ring with Ming Zhandou should he delay to absorb the energy.
After absorbing core energy Wang Huo managed to advance to the third level of the martial foundation.
"You have advanced again." Ming Zhandou speaks.
"Haha ha".
Wang Huo was very pleased with the speed of his advance. Before long he had already advanced two levels of cultivation.
After they feed, the two decide to try once more to break the formation.
Again their attempts are frustrated, although they make a hole in the formation, it is not enough for them to pass.
"Wang Huo, absorb the core of the beast from level 5. If you do this will probably be able to move forward again. "Says Ming Zhandou.
Wang Huo initially wanted to refuse, but when he saw the relaxed expression on Ming Zhandou's face he realized that Ming Zhandou really did not care much about the cores.
"OK". Wang Huo answers.
Wang Huo goes into cultivation and begins to absorb energy from the beast of level 5. The amount of energy was so great that Wang Huo takes two weeks to fully absorb the energy.
After these two weeks, Wang Huo was able to advance to the fourth level of the martial foundation. Seeing that Wang Huo has finished cultivating Ming Zhandou speaks.
"You're late this time."
"Yes". Wang Huo answers.
The core energy allowed Wang Huo to cultivate without having to feed himself. After finishing cultivating Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou resolve to try again break the formation. But this time the confidence that Wang Huo had to achieve was great.
He could feel his power on the fourth level of the martial foundation flowing through his body. He could barely stay calm so excited that he was. When he entered the cave he was only on the first level of the martial foundation.
Two months have passed since he entered the cave, but now he was already at the fourth level of the martial foundation. This speed of advancement was unbelievable to him.
"I'm confident we can make it this time. "Wang Huo says.
"So let's start with everything from the beginning." Ming Zhandou answers.
The blows of Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou manage to create a large enough hole for them to pass, but the speed of regeneration of the formation was so great that the moment they stopped attacking the size of the hole became smaller and they could not pass.
After observing the formation and regenerate and make some conjectures in your mete. Wang Huo speaks.
"I'm going to use that reserve energy to hit the lineup. As soon as that hit hits, we must race to get through training. "
"OK". Ming Zhandou agrees.
"Wait". Before they begin to deliver blows Ming Zhandou interrupts Wang Huo.
"What's it? ". Question Wang Huo confused.
"How will I know that you used reserve energy? If I only realize after the impact, I may end up being a few seconds late and can not get through. " Ming Zhandou
Wang Huo does not know what to do in this situation. What Ming Zhandou said was logical. They did not know what effect the full-power coup of Wang Huo would have. If it did not have much effect a second could prevent Ming Zhandou from undergoing training. There was no such danger to him as he would know when he used his full power.
After reflecting for a few seconds Wang Huo speaks.
"I'll scream full power when I use the energy, so you'll know the moment."
Ming Zhandou agrees with the head and complements.
"That name was cool for a technique."
Wang Huo gives a small smile at this and then turns his concentration to training. The two hit the formation a few times and a hole appears in the formation.
"Full power". Wang Huo shouts.
The blow with full power of Wang Huo makes the size of the hole increase significantly. Soon after striking, Wang Huo and Ming Zhandou rush past to form.
* Woosh *
The two can pass the training in time. But a few moments later the formation regenerates completely. The two watch the formation regenerate completely and are relieved.
If they had been a little late they might not have been able to get through training. While the two are observing the formation it disappears as if it had never existed.
When they realize this, they are both surprised.
Wang Huo was breathless after using all his energy in that blow.
"Why did the formation disappear? ". Ming Zhandou speaks with astonishment.
Wang Huo also was not sure what was happening, but quickly thought of a possible explanation.
"This formation should only prevent someone from leaving and not from entering. When we entered we did not notice the formation. If not, I can not think of anything else. "
"I understand". Ming Zhandou answers
Even after passing through the formation the two still remained inside the cave. They could only see why Wang Huo was always with flames in his hands.
"Let me get some rest." Wang Huo speaks exhausted.
"Okay, but is not it better you rest outside the cave? ". Question Ming Zhandou.
"You're right ".
The two walk a little way out of the cave. As soon as the light comes in contact with Wang Huo he begins to feel a sense of comfort.
Wang Huo unconsciously closes his eyes and begins to feel the sunlight on his body. After so many days without sunlight, Wang Huo realized the lack he felt of her. At that moment he was like someone who had walked through the hot desert without water for a few days and had just found water to drink.
Wang Huo stays in that position for a few hours. When realizing the abnormal reaction of Wang Huo, Ming Zhandou begins to cultivate.
"What happened? ". Question Ming Zhandou when he realizes that Wang Huo opened his eyes.
"I can not explain it right, but I felt a very comfortable feeling as soon as the sunlight began to hit me."
"Shall we go back to the academy? ". Question Ming Zhandou.
"Yes ".
Wang Huo planned to go find some record in the library that might explain why there was a kind of reserve tank in his blood.
The two depart towards the academy. Arriving there Wang Huo speaks.
"I'm going to the library, you can go change your cores for points." Wang Huo passes a fourth-level beast core and two third-level beast cores to Ming Zhandou. That was half of the remaining cores
"Are not you going to change yours? ". Question Ming Zhandou.
"No, for me, cores are more useful than pills." Wang Huo answers.
"Okay, after getting the points I'm going back to the residence."
Wang Huo goes to the academy library while Ming Zhandou goes to the mission room to exchange cores for points.
Arriving in the library Wang Huo realizes that the library had the same design as the martial arts hall. There were several sections with shelves containing the books, and each section was a different subject.
After searching for some time Wang Huo gets lost without knowing which section he should look for. So he decides to ask for help from the elder in the library.
"Elder. Could you tell me which part of the library I can research on something related to special skills? ". Question Wang Huo.
"Special skills? ". The elder speaks a little confused.
Wang Huo did not know how to explain, he also did not want to reveal the true subject he was looking for, because he did not want to raise suspicions. So he could only ask in a generic way.
After thinking for a while the elder asks.
"Are you talking about capabilities that only a certain group of individuals possesses or inherited techniques? ".
"The first choice." Wang Huo answers.
"Right. You can look up the bloodline book in that section over there. " The elder says pointing to the direction of the section.
"Thank you, Elder for help." Wang Huo thanks.
Wang Huo goes to the section mentioned by the elder to search the book. Not long after starting to look for Wang Huo finds the book on bloodlines.
Wang Huo grabs the book and begins to read.
"Bloodline is a unique special abilityl that a particular clan possesses. All members of this clan are born with this ability. "
"Each clan has its own history of how and when the line began to be transmitted, but all lineages can be classified on two levels, incomplete and complete. Clans that have an incomplete lineage are clans that either because of lack of ability of the limbs or the passage of time that has been diluting the lineage of subsequent generations can only use a small part of the capacity of their language. By making members of these clans only use the energy of their lineages to allow them to reach the peak of the level of cultivation they are in. "
"Clans that have complete lineages can use all the power of their lineage. That is, these clans have unique abilities that only members of this clan can use. Different clans that have complete lineage have different unique abilities. "