Chapter 7: Anna (Who Are You Really Dad?)

"I told you to let her go! I warned you! You better hope to the Moon Goddess that she is not bleeding!!"

The leader of there group approached my Dad.


My Dad turned towards him. Still growling.


My Dad made eye contact with the leader and Dad still choking the men. The leader was shaking and fell to his knees with his head down.

"I'm sorry sir. Please let my men go. We didn't know she was your daughter. Please spare us!"

Wow. I didn't know my Dad was that strong to the point an adult like this men in black will submit to him. Even though they out number my Dad they couldn't move. It looks like the men my Dad was choking out stop moving.

"You guys attack my daughter! Do you think I would let you go just like that!"

My Dad's voice boomed. Shaking us. This even scared me. I never saw my Dad like this, this is bad.

Everyone around us got on there knees and submit. Even Yolanda. She look like she was about to break down and cry.

I walked over to my Dad and put my hand on his shoulder. He turned towards me. I half smiled at me.

"Dad. Let them go please."

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. My eyes glow. My wolf is trying help calm down our Dad.

He smiled at me. His eyes went back his glowing blue eyes. He dropped the men and hugged me.

"My cute princess." He kissed one top of my head.

"Dad you are squashing me."

"Sorry hun. You look just like your mother."

He let me go. It seems everyone too scared to move to see if the two guys still not moving. I moved toward the unconscious men.

For where I was standing it does not seem like they are breathing. I crouch down between them so I can see what condition my father put them in.

Since I am healer I can observe everyone body like an x-ray. I see the bones, heart, lungs, and other organ in the body. Also in color on certain areas on the body where it is injured.

White - not serious

Yellow - apply first aid it goes back to White.

Orange - serious; bone or organ damage.

Red - very serious damage

Black - fatal wound; cause of death.

(In some case Black can go back to Red.)

One of the men's nose was glowing orange. I guess this is the guy I elbow in the face. A glowing red hand mark on the neck. The other had yellow back and red hand mark around the neck.

I can heal how my mom taught me. I have to make sure I don't do anything out of the ordinary.

I gave them CPR. I started with the nose broken one since he has more damage. We werewolves heal fast. I have to jump start his heart to get the healing process going. I started to suck out the damage done to his body.

I heard his heart start and went to the next one. I heard gasp everyone around me. I didn't even bother seeing who it was. I did the same thing with the other guy and heard his heart start back up again as well.

"They should be just fine. All they need to do is rest and eat. Their wolf should do the rest. Any questions?"

I turned my head towards the leader. He still keeping his head down. Afraid to upset my Dad I suppose. The wounded men began groaning which mean they should be waking up soon.

I walk towards my father and hold his hand just to be sure.

"How did I do?"

He looked at me and gave me The Rock's eyebrow.

"You did great. Just like your mom. Did you know how hard it was for me when you're mom was healing. Not a fun day for me."

He look towards the leader.

"You. Get your men and leave at once. If I find your scent anywhere near my daughter. You better pray that I don't find you. "

I felt a chill go up my back. Not that even scared me. I looked up to my Dad and his eyes were red again. I thought I calmed you down.

"Yes sir. It won't happen again. Men collect the injured. We move at once. M'lady, its time for us to go." She just nod her head.

As they were moving back into the forest. I looked at my dad. Who are you really Dad? Why do I fell like I am forgetting someone.

In the distance one of the men and black guy was stuck up in the tree. "Guys! A little help here! You better not forget about me! This is not funny guys! I am afraid of heights! Guys!"