Chapter 10: Derek (The Council Meeting)

I stopped and looked at him. I was pissed by the fact that he thought my girl, my mate I dream about is not real. Besides the fact he bet on me.

"How much you bet one me?" I crossed my arms and look at him.

"Aaaaaa. 1000 dollars." He was coughing through it.

"Can't hear you?" I said while smirking.

"You heard me. A thousand man. You happy now! At least my girl is not imaginary."

"She is real! For the last time. I even showed you the evidence from my ancestors."

"Dude. That was only one case. If it was an actual thing it would be a part of myths and stories about it. It can be wrote off as what their mate bond felt like. Saying I have been dreaming about you all my life."

"I know she is out there. I can feel it. You can't call a girl you been sleeping with a week, your girl. She is not even your mate. You know you are going to dump her once she start to get feelings for you."

"Well excuse me, your majesty and here catch."

He toss me, my jacket. I hurried and slipped it on and my shoes.

"Which council room is it, Dean."

"I think it is in council room #3."

"Good let's go."

"Right behind you"

As we were heading towards the council room, the noise out louder and louder.

"Did your son find his mate yet?"

"No. Not yet. His deadline is before I make the announcement today. You never know he might find her at the Ball"

"Alpha, no disrespect but what would make this Ball any different. This will be the 10th Ball for him."

I opened the door and the Luna Queen stood up and said.

"I believe he will find her. I don't want my son marrying someone that is not his mate! I don't care if it takes his 20th or 30th Ball to find her!"

I shocked. I never heard the Queen raise her voice like that before.

"Well we only hope. Until then we have to prepare engagement party for the Prince and Princess of United Kingdom."

I step into the room.

"Good morning father, mother."

"Good morning, my son. I hope you slept well."

Queen came over and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. She is not my real mother but she wants me to call her as such when everyone was around to show we have a good relationship. That's a story for another day.

"So my fiancee is the Princess of United Kingdom, huh?"

"Yes, my son. I heard she is beautiful. You even met her before" said my Dad while smirking.

"As you said I got until tonight to find her and I will. I have no interest in this Princess of England. I have my own and I am going to find her."

My father sigh. "I know. That is why we having this meeting so the elders know you have until tonight. I asked them about your dream you have of her and said it is a very old wise tale. "

"A tale is still have some truth to it. I won't give up hope."

"I won't either!" The Queen crossed her arms and look at the council members.

The council looked towards each other and whispered.

"Well let's finish this meeting so we can prepare for the Ball tonight"

"Yes, your Majesty" said the council members in unison.

I took my seat beside my father. This will be a long meeting.