Chapter 12: Derek: Can't Take Him Anywhere

We left the castle and went to the nearby guest houses to see if my chante was in there. Along the way, Dean being Dean keeps talking about the girl on the 5th floor of the castle and hitting on every cute girl he saw. I wish I can leave him here but I need him to get the girls off me.

What can I say. I am a Prince, well the Crown Prince. It was suppose to be my older brother but I beat him up in a match. My Alpha blood was stronger than his. Sigh.

We have been at it for hours. I think I have seen every noble woman around the castle. She is not here. It is getting late and I have to head back to the castle to get ready. I just have to pray to the Moon Goddess that she will be there at the Ball tonight.

"Let's head on back. We have to get ready."

Turned towards the castle and began walking. As I walking I realize Dean was not following. I turned around Dean was surrounded by girls. The girls were giggling and he just stood there looking all smug.

"I can't take him no where."

I walked up behind him and dragged him by the collar.

"Sorry ladies we have to go."

"Nooo wait Derek. I haven't gotten their numbers yet! No wait ladies, my number is 391-542-7513! Call me!"

Yep. Can't take him anywhere. All I hear behind me is beeping from someone typing on their cellphone. Some of the girls even yell to ask if someone give them the number, others saying no, some even yell for him to repeat the number.

"My number is .."

"Say one more and I will through you into a train section with me and Mark at the same time."

That shut him up real quick.

Mark is the second strongest after me. He would qualify for position as Beta but he doesn't like the paperwork that comes with the position. So he wants to be Deta that is responsible for the border of our territory and prevent the rogues from invading. That position works out for him since he loves to fight.

We got back to my room in the castle.

"Derek. I do not want to say this man but you are screwed. But on thr bright side you will be married to a princess. From what I heard she is beautiful."

I glared at him.

"I don't care about how beautiful that princess is. I want my destined mate. My heart belongs to her alone."

Dean back up and raised his arms in surrender.

"Sorry man. You have little time left."

"I have faith that she will be at the Ball tonight. Go and get changed as well. You are mateless yourself. She may come to the Ball as well."

Dean rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah. I hope so too."

Dean left and I started to get changed for the Ball tonight. I looked at the window.

I smelled the sweetest scent. Before I could get my thoughts together. I heard Dante say.

She is here.