Class Advancement Quest

Jiang Fei returned to school. Although he had missed a few classes, it was due to his courageous conduct in a time of need. Therefore, not only did he get away scot-free, he was praised and commended.

In the afternoon, it was another basketball match for Class Nine. Jiang Fei went into action once again. Since even those students of the specialized sports class were no match for him, so the other classes could not stop him. It was another easy victory.

After the afternoon classes ended, Jiang Fei returned home. As he personally did not care much about the matter of saving Han Tianyu, he therefore did not talk to anyone about it, not even to his own parents.

When it was 10 p.m., Jiang Fei logged on, accurate to the dot.

When Jiang Fei went online, he rushed straight to the bank. After retrieving the materials, he kicked off with his smithing!