Evolving Mutant

As the battle continued, Jiang Fei realized his mistake.

He did not expect the Poison Spray of these Chambermaids to be independent of their Health Points. Instead, they were triggered on a completely random basis. The previous poison spray had been entirely coincidental. Also, Jiang Fei's great Luck had prevented the other Chambermaids from releasing their poison clouds.

Tanking three Advance Elites and around 50 or 60 small monsters was already a tall order for the Healers. Unexpectedly, at that moment, the three Chambermaids started spitting poison, one after another!

"Mengmeng! Phantom! Step back!"

As the Area of Effect of Poison Spray was huge, the two Bandits were also poisoned. Jiang Fei had to get them out of danger, fast.

Sun Mengmeng and Rosette Phantom quickly slid back while drinking Potions.

"Healers focus on me!" Jiang Fei shouted. The three stacks of poison were really doing a number on his Health Points.