Drinking Evolution Blood

After he finally got through the lessons, Jiang Fei plunged into his room and took a bottle of Evolution Blood out from the Spatial Ring!

The appearance of the Evolution Blood was no different from the normal HP Potions. It was also a reddish liquid, but it looked a little more viscous than HP Potions. They came in the form of slender test tubes, and there were about five or six milliliters of it.

"If I drink this in the real world, I won't grow scales on my body, long claws on my hands, and a tail attached to my buttocks, right?" Jiang Fei talked to himself while looking at the bottle of bright red Evolution Blood.

"Well, the game did not transform any of our characters. Here's to my great health!" Although he felt like looking for a cat or a dog to test it out for him, this thing was just too precious. In the end, he had to clench his teeth and pour the Evolution Blood into his mouth!