Internal Auction

"We can't draw this out for long! He'll grow with time!" Jiang Fei announced.

The boss had already started off with terrific defense. With the 50% damage reduction, the massive party was struggling to bring it down. This battle would take quite a while.

The boss was not just a pile of moving rocks. Sometimes it sent rocks raining down from the ceiling, sometimes it turned players into statues. The party was forced to constantly haul itself around -- the opportunities to plant their feet and damage it were scarce.

With the party moving about so frequently, the importance of techniques such as positioning and foresight were finally unveiled. Despite having better equipment and higher levels, the ranged fighters of Rosette Knighthood, namely Rosette Waterlily, Rosette Foxy, and Rosette Bubble were unable to deal as much damage as those from Magithieves.