Ares’s Set

After the drops were distributed, the boss' corpse vanished. It was replaced by a huge golden treasure chest!

"This is the Bandits' treasure chest?" Lady Casanova asked.

"Yeah!" Jiang Fei nodded. At that moment, the yellow arrow prompted by the Treasure Hunting Ring was directed at the treasure chest. The Princess would want some of its contents!

"Ah Fei! Go and open it!" Rosette Rose said with a smile.

"Okay!" Jiang Fei nodded and shoved the huge lid open.

A golden light flashed, almost blinding everyone on the spot!

Recipe: Ares's Set (Recipe, Quality: Legendary)

Use: Allows you to learn how to make the Ares's Set.

Remaining attempts: 5

Ares Set (3/3)

Set Effect: Allows you to acquire the skill - Eye for Eye. Whenever you take damage, you immediately deal damage equivalent to 100+(1% of your Health Points) to the culprit!

Ares's Armguard (Chainmail, Quality: Epic)

Physical Defense +80