Take Two Steps Forward If You Are Not Sick

When the four Japanese bodyguards charged at him, Jiang Fei knew that things would not be good. So, he immediately jumped down from the stage and quickly ran into the crowd.

Although Jiang Fei's physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people, Tokugawa Shingi's four bodyguards were not weak! Moreover, Jiang Fei could easily sense such murderous intent. A few hours with Chen Xi had not taught him much, but he understood that no matter how good he thought he was, bigger fish were always swimming out there. He knew that he was no match to full-fledge bodyguards.

However, Jiang Fei was not without advantage. Even though he was not going to last long against these four Japanese bodyguards in a fight, he had the speed that easily eluded them. With the additional ten points of Agility from the Cat Spirit Boots, Jiang Fei was now China's Usain Bolt!