Elven Reinforcements

The allied forces lost their commander. Paired with the chaos that Jiang Fei had singlehandedly wrought, all semblance of order was broken. A little over ten minutes later, the intruders were forced out of the cave.

"Bunch of useless idiots! Where's Karvis?"

Outside the cave, Dycellar was facing off William. When she saw that the worn out army being driven out by a force they supposedly both outnumbered and overpowered, she was furious.

"Madam Commander, Master Karvis was severely wounded and has been incapacitated!" A mid-ranking elven captain reported.

"Nonsense! Karvis is a Leader boss, and the strongest that the Dragonoids could offer are only Advanced Elites. How could he even be touched? Has Isabella completed her resurrection?" Dycellar barked.

"The… The adventurer did it…" The captain meekly said.