Bella’s Dragon Form

Now that the ring had gained a level, Jiang Fei immediately scanned for the one thing that he always wanted; a new ability.

Luck +50

This stat was the very core and definition of Jiang Fei in the game. Aside from Luck, he had already gained double the number of inventory slots, allowing him to store more items in the game, as well as bringing more items out of the game!

Before leveling up, he had a total of 72 slots, 36 blue, and 36 red. Now, he had 72 blue and 72 red! There was also the appearance of something new.

The small text description at the top corner of the blue inventory had was now:

Maximum Level of item exported: 30

Maximum item count exported: 4/7

Whereas the text description of the red slots was now:

Minimum Level Equipment Sacrificed: TEMPORARILY UNABLE TO SACRIFICE

Minimum Grade of Equipment Sacrificed: Fine

"YASHH! This is good!"