An Evil Plot

Due to his low standing, Jiang Fei was still left in the dark when it concerned many other dark secrets. Otherwise, he would have long been aware that the humans in this world were classified into two categories, normal humans and the Metahumans!

Normal humans were the commoners you pass by on the street. In their eyes, everyone in the world looked the same. People would get sick when they catch a cold or get wounded when stabbed with a knife. Although different people had different statuses, they were all equally fragile.

However, people like Han Tianyu often came into contact with the second type of humans, the Metahumans. These were people who had powers that exceeded what science was capable of explaining. For example, Huaxia's Inner Qi experts were capable of using powerful and boundless energy in their body to perform extraordinary feats. However, very few people could fully control such abilities!