Bloodthirsty Chestplate

Jiang Fei was not unfamiliar with the concept of having one Leader being accompanied by two guards. Although their attributes had been markedly enhanced, Jiang Fei had already experienced the weakened Skills of the Leaders in the updated version, having gone through the Elite Dungeon.

In Dawnlight: Best Friend and Adversary, the Leader's skills' Attack Power had been watered down. Even its Defense was barely a shadow of its actual self. Although it had more Health Points than usual, the overall battle power had been weakened by at least one-third, compared to the older revision!

For that reason, Jiang Fei had been confident enough to bring Isabella alone into a dungeon that had been designed for forty people. In the older version, Jiang Fei would only be wasting hard-earned experience points and time if he entered the dungeon with less than twenty people!