Mystery Drop!

In addition to the two Legendary pieces of equipment, the second boss also dropped an Epic Leather Bracelet. Jiang Fei threw it into his backpack and planned to give it to a Bandit in his guild upon his return.

Jiang Fei continued to press on with Isabella. There was not much to say about the small monsters, they were not much different from the previous ones. The two of them got through the small monsters pretty quickly and soon arrived in front of the third boss!

Frontline Commanding Officer, Bralox (Bloodborne, Leader)

Level: 38

Health Points: 350,000

Attack Power: 4,300

Skills: Amok, Battle Cry, Tornado Slash.

Amok: Immediately deal a mighty blow.

Battle Cry: Increase your own Attack Power by 10%.

Tornado Slash: Immediately attack against all enemies around you once!

Armored Dragon (Floating Dragon, Vice-Leader)

Level: 38

Health Points: 250,000

Attack Power: 3,000

Skills: Fire Breath, Claw.