A Divine Blacksmith’s Test!

A Divine Blacksmith's Test!

"Did you just only level up?" Han Tianyu's jaw dropped when he saw the unmistakeably characteristic level-up light.

"Ah Fei, how the heck do you train?" said Chen Xi. For all the speed and effort that she had invested in training, she had only reached Level 33. She was only second in the Level Ranking Board! Just what was going on with that brat? How was it possible to level up just by hitting a single monster?!

"Hoho. I've been raiding dungeons nonstop. And, I was only one thousand points away from leveling up," said Jiang Fei.

"Tsk! Bastard," Chen Xi clicked her tongue. Raiding a dungeon alone was a feat no one in the game except Jiang Fei could pull off. Players at that point might just be strong enough to raid lower level dungeons such as "Deep into the Night," but "Bottom of the Bloodpool" was still too tough to be raided without a fully armed party.