Apocalyptic Flame

Although Southern Azuresword did not know what was going on, he still obeyed Han Tianyu's orders upon receiving them. He led his people and slowly moved back. Soon, they were standing behind more than 200,000 troops.

"Coward!" Daemon's Grimace glanced at Southern Azuresword and did not care too much about it. Although the three major guilds were considered to be allies, both Lady Casanova and Daemon's Grimace looked down on Southern Azuresword. They felt that Southern Azuresword was too afraid of death and would do anything for money.

Similarly, Lady Casanova sneered in contempt when she noticed Southern Azuresword moving back. Southern Azuresword probably wanted to protect his guild. He did not want his people to suffer too huge of a loss in The Aristocrats' counterattack.