Mission Accomplished

With Jiang Fei's confirmation, the almighty ring began to hum with a weird mechanical sound and changed its small tiny form into a cube that fitted comfortably in Jiang Fei's palm. After a few clicks and beeps, the cubes started to glow from the inside. Faint radiant escaped the tiny gaps in between the mechanical cube. What followed next was so out-of-this-world that Jiang Fei's jaw dropped.

Atoms that could never be seen with the naked eye started to accelerate toward the cube. Radioactive waves and particles were not supposed to be seen but when they accelerate at high speed, the particles would heat up and glow. As such, when they collided with other particles in the air, a glow could be seen. That was what Jiang Fei was seeing then. A sea of glowing waves that were coming toward the cube.