The Crazy Fourth Prince

Riding the Skygliding Dragon, Jiang Fei and Isabella flew high in the sky toward Twilight City. This time, it was not to attack, but only to watch an Overlord tier boss fight. To avoid being detected by anyone, Jiang Fei flew so high that it was impossible for anyone from Twilight City to spot him. On the other hand, he was unable to see them properly as well.

When Jiang Fei reached the ball, the Fourth Prince had not arrived yet. As such, Jiang Fei dared not descend closer. The assassin might be ready in there. If he tried to approach the ball, it might be him who get himself killed.

Even so, without getting close enough, there was no telling what was happening. At that moment, Isabella used some sort of magic to open up a rift that displayed the image of what was going on below. This magic was not originally learned by Isabella. She was only able to do it after she had fused with the essence of the Black Dragon Prince.