Preparing Materials

"Captain, the main ingredient required for restoration would be pure diamonds as well as a metal called Caesium. If pure diamonds are hard to come by, you can replace it with high quantities of lower quality diamonds," said 0541 telepathically.

"Diamonds again!? What the hell is Caesium?" Jiang Fei replied mentally and started to have a headache. Diamonds could be bought easily. The only problem was the ring could swallow up diamonds worth more than 100 million RMB easily. Luckily, Jiang Fei was not short on cash. Hence, it all boiled down to one problem—Caesium.

Jiang Fei scrolled down the list and found diamonds among them. Unfortunately, the amount that the alliance had was not much since martial artists rarely used them in their daily lives. It was probably listed in just as a means to add quantity to the list.