Zhao Ganming’s Request

"I have chosen these four," said Jiang Fei as he handed the four wooden plaques.

When Old Hai came to retrieve the plaques, Jiang Fei pretended to reach into his pockets to retrieve the pills. In truth, he had 0541 to make them at that moment. At this moment, 0541 had enough energy to make the pills easily that it could make a warehouse full of the pills in just one second.

The exchanged was smooth. Jiang Fei handed the bottle containing the pills as Old Hai handed over four books to Jiang Fei.

"Alright. I thank everyone present today for this… event. My apologies as I must take my leave now," said Jiang Fei as he did not want to spend a second longer in that room.

"Brother! Where's the fire? There's no need to rush out like that," said Yang Qing as she flashed in front of Jiang Fei to stop him from leaving.