The Pale Skeletal Ghoul

"Such a shame…" said Air Marshal Rico after Jiang Fei was done explaining.

"Lord Ouma was a brave soldier and a hero of our time," Jiang Fei added. Some the first few conversations he had with this NPC, he recognized that Rico was programmed with higher intelligence. If Jiang Fei's judgment was right, he'd better talked a little more about Ouma. Perhaps, if Jiang Fei got Rico to like him more, the end reward might be better.

"Sigh... Please leave us alone," said Rico to the officers who had escorted Jiang Fei into his castle. Once they were alone in the hall, Rico turned to Jiang Fei and said quietly, "This plot... is truly shocking even from my point of view. I need to know, who else besides you and Ouma knew about this?'