Spoiled Prick

When the teacher asked the four new troublemakers to find their own seats, Jiang Fei frowned immediately. The reason was simple. Both Yang Po and Yang Qing began to sprint, literally, in class, toward him.

Before the entire fiasco with the ring, Jiang Fei had a deskmate sitting next to him. However, after Han Tianyu had made a flashy entrance with the helicopter and grabbed him out of the class, Jiang Fei was branded as part of the underground society. The student sitting next to him that time had requested the teacher to arrange his seat next to someone else. The teacher did not really care about the whole incident but since it did involve a helicopter and some dudes in black suits, the teacher gave in to the request.

Another reason why the seat next to him was empty was that Jiang Fei himself was not in class most of the time.