
After he was done talking to Han Tianyu, the twins arrived in less than thirty minutes later.

"Brother Jiang Fei, are you trying to avoid us?" asked Yang Qing as soon as she entered the training room where Jiang Fei was in.

Her angry face, as well as Yang Qing's crossing her arms, made Jiang Fei feel very awkward.

"Well... technically…"

She hit the bullseye. Jiang Fei was indeed trying his best to avoid the twins. Of course, he would not tell them that.

"Qing, I think brother Jiang Fei had only forgotten to tell us about his lifestyle," said Yang Po. She was much smarter than Yang Qing. She understood Jiang Fei's position and pulled him out of the trouble. However, there was something in her eyes when she shot a cold stare at Jiang Fei. Forgetting once was fine, forgetting twice meant it was intentional.