Brute Force

After Jiang Fei had silently killed all four of the guards in the tower, he moved down instead of installing the explosives. His reason was simple. He did not want to lose the element of surprise yet. Once the bomb went off, the Light Faction army would swarm to this tower and Jiang Fei would not be able to stay hidden for long.

Once they were out of the tower, Isabella cast Hidden Shadow again and the duo stealthily went into the second tower, the third, and the fourth to kill all the guards. 15 minutes later, all guards in all four towers were eliminated.

"What comes next relies on speed!" said Jiang Fei as he was about to install the first explosive.

When the progress bar finished, Jiang Fei immediately rushed toward the second tower without looking back to check on the bomb. By the time Jiang Fei had only just reached the second tower, the explosives on the first tower detonated, destroying it.