Alone Against the Soaring Cloud Sect

While the Gigantic Sword was being upgraded, Jiang Fei had lost his one and only transport. Four hours was not long but to Jiang Fei, it felt like an eternity. He needed to find the people who took his parents. Aimless, Jiang Fei decided it was best to just calm down and revise his plans.

"0541, do you have my parent's location?" said Jiang Fei.

"I am still tracking their coordinates. They are currently being transported at very high speed. I cannot pinpoint their exact location."

Jiang Fei did not chase after them at the moment because he was not fast enough. The person who had kidnapped Jiang Fei's parents was surely someone stronger than Level 4. With high mastery of Qinggong, they could easily leap off buildings and glide on the ground faster than a speeding train. Unless Jiang Fei had taken out the sword and used it to chase, there was no other way to go after the perpetrator.