Destroy the Naga’s Nest

Jiang Fei had made the right call. Ariel had a natural talent to solve conflicts. When she had made a contract with Jiang Fei, she was left alone with Isabella for only half an hour and yet, she had managed to solve Isabella's impasses and they both emerged as sisters. Jiang Fei left the three girls on their own and after some time, the three returned. Even though the atmosphere was not as intimate as Isabella and Ariel, Sylphy and Isabella were no longer going at each other throats.

"Darling! I've handled it!" cried the little mermaid. Even Ariel had changed the way she addressed Jiang Fei.

"Urgh…" To be honest, Jiang Fei was not comfortable with being called "darling, husband," or any terms that were too intimate.

"If there's nothing else for me to do, I shall take my leave now. I need to help my father," said Ariel as she turned around and left.