Great Increase in Strength

"There's no news about this for now. Is something up?" Han Tianyu asked curiously.

"I have received some news. It seems like the Japanese have made new progress in their research and development of nuclear weapons!" Jiang Fei's words were half-true.

"Really? I'll ask someone to check it out immediately! The Japanese have been hiding their actions very well this time. My spies have not been able to send back any useful news." Han Tianyu was obviously shocked by Jiang Fei's news.

"Okay, you guys be more careful!" Jiang Fei shook his head and hung up.

As Han Tianyu did not provide any useful news, Jiang Fei was slightly disappointed.

"Forget it, captain. Don't bite off more than you can chew. It would be better for you if you hurry up and master "Origin Force" now!" 0541 advised.