0541’s Plan

After lightning, a powerful wind came in like a storm. After that, the earth or rather, the ice around her began to shake violently. Everything around her was turbulent and it did not stop there. The area of the devastation was expanding by the second and Jiang Fei was only able to escape with 0541 directing him. The catastrophic event lasted for 2 hours and Jiang Fei had to move 5 kilometers away. 

After the storm had ended, Jiang Fei returned to the origin, where Phoenix's body laid motionless. Even though she had caused all the destruction, she was lying on a block of ice, floating in the frigid cold sea. She looked calm and peaceful, like a sleeping beauty. 

"0541, can you explain her death?" said Jiang Fei. It was only then when he realized that everything that happened to her was unexplainable. How could she, a Level 5 ultimate Metahuman could die by her own hands? 

"Her death was already determined," said 0541 with a heavy sigh.