Superior Support

The Naga female Commissioner's attack had truly caught Jiang Fei off guard. That stroke of luck had made Jiang Fei felt like he had missed the grim reaper's scythe by a hair's length.

Without the death immunity effect, Jiang Fei could not afford to play around anymore. From there on out, he would have to be careful.

Shadow Barrier!

The skill allowed him to negate any attacks three times, fatal or not.

"Die! Scum of the sea!" the Commissioner roared at Jiang Fei. The attack not only made Jiang Fei dropped his balls, Akatziris too was alerted of the Commissioner's power.

If Jiang Fei was killed, he would only be losing parts of his equipment. However, according to the contract that Akatziris had with Jiang Fei, Jiang Fei's death would ultimately result in her death as well. With that in mind, Akatziris bore so much grudge on the Commissioner that she would whip her skin off her flesh!

Sadistic Whip!
