Spectral Investigator

"We have no other choice in that case. Monkey and the rest of you, we're counting on you lot!" Billy Boy said after hearing what Akatziris had said.

"Don't worry about it. It's just dying after all. We aren't called heroes for nothing!" Leisure Monkey said jokingly.

Although Leisure Monkey had only just been resurrected, he did not seem to oppose the idea of becoming a human radar. That was because he was located in the faction region which meant he would not lose any Experience points upon death. Moreover, since there were no enemies around, he would only have to pick up the equipment and items he dropped. There was no loss so as to speak. The only thing which annoyed him was that he would have to die every few minutes.

Very soon, eight of the Bandits began their search in front of the group with Leisure Monkey in the lead. Jiang Fei and the rest followed behind him with a thirty-meter gap in between.

"Ahh! I died. Cleric, save me…"