Keeping Doomsday for its Flesh

Thereafter, Jiang Fei requested for Shang Guanqi's help to look after Si Tuying and also to protect his parents. After Jiang Fei's parents returned home, he talked to them for a while. The next morning, Jiang Fei left home with Ariel. They were both headed for Tokyo.

With Ariel's presence, Jiang Fei no longer needed to travel with the Gigantic Sword. With instant teleportation, the two appeared in Tokyo in the blink of an eye.

However, by then, Tokyo was already a piece of barren land with nothing but torn down buildings. Tokyo had been thoroughly destroyed by the major rice-exporting country's fleet.

Tokyo was practically a non-existent city right now. The miserable citizens had all hid in rural areas. In order to survive, they needed to work for the major rice-exporting country's fleet in exchange for food and basic necessities.