Actually Barbarous

"That makes sense!" Poseidon's eyes lit up. As Jiang Fei said, the Dragon God Bennette Straz might go and help the Celestials because of the Moon God, but the Divine Light God would never help the Nagas because of the Dragon God. So, destroying the Nagas first was undoubtedly the best choice!

"Currently, the Nagas are having a small scale battle with the Luminous Vatican, but both sides are pretty restrained. The casualties are not very heavy. How do you think we should attack?" Augustus asked. Originally, he only asked for Jiang Fei's opinion so he could thrust Jiang Fei into the limelight. Now, however, he was really asking for Jiang Fei's opinion.

"Mmm! We definitely have to come up with a grandiose excuse. If we attack the Nagas for no reason, the Divine Light God will probably find it strange!" Jiang Fei nodded.

"What excuse is appropriate?" Poseidon asked.