The Conflict of Soaring Cloud Sect

In time, the Mutants retreated and so did the martial artists. Calm returned to the valley. 

"Sect leader, should we call for backup?" asked Feng Xuanyi. 

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are the Soaring Cloud Sect. You know for a fact that we are the strongest sect in China and yet you dare to ask that sort of question?" said Ye Tianshun before Ma Xuantong could react.

As the Grand Elder of the Soaring Cloud Sect, he had participated in this fight against the Mutants, right after he was being kept in prison, none other by the Level 5 master of Soaring Cloud Sect, Feng Tianqi. 

"However, Grand Elder, we are severely overnumbered!" said Chen Xuanming. Although it was embarrassing at this point, it was safer to call in reinforcements.