Fury Unleashed

The fight had barely started and Lu Gongzan had already gotten attacked. Everyone started to worry when Ganming Zhenren had decided to do something drastic. 

"Brother Bai. I need your help. Please cover me while I try something to catch these flies!" said Ganming Zhenren as he held his sword close and cupped the hilt of his sword with his palms. 

"Leave it to me," said Bai Wanli, standing in front of Ganming Zhenren. The rest of the group surrounded Ganming Zhenren in all directions, watching out for incoming attacks. 

Hawkeye noticed the sudden change of formation and sense something was amiss. Without hesitation, he drew out as many arrows and fired them all to disrupt the man in the center of the formation. Vine Demon also tried to do the same by unleashing as many vines and roots towards them.