Dreamy Star

As Jiang Fei issued the quests, Empyreal Dragon's players started getting to work. Seven Stars Warrior immediately brought players to hunt for Light Faction's commanders while Billy Boy and Little Rain brought others to the PvP battlefield. The latter group of players was very motivated by the additional rewards from fighting PvP battles.

After everything was sorted out, Jiang Fei asked Lady Casanova, "How is the investigation going?"

"I have news about Dreamy Star. However, I still haven't found the Cauldron of Agility," Lady Casanova said as she shook her head. After all, she had only started the investigations a few days ago. Even if she had a lot of contacts throughout the game, she still needed time to search for certain things.

Lady Casanova had been able to find Dreamy Star primarily because he had delivered himself to her doorstep.