Business? Perhaps?

Otis and his army did not let Jiang Fei wait too long. In less than an hour, Jiang Fei could see and hear the galloping horses of the army. The cloud of dust and sand they left in their wake was truly a sight to behold. Especially with the Shadow Faction's banner carried by the flagman as they rode with vigor into the warzone. 

Jiang Fei was perhaps the only person there who knew that the army that was riding in, with flags and all, were only the scraps. The real elite kill force was still far behind the front line. Those elite forces were already ready and waiting. However, their objective was not to become cannon fodder but to pair with Jiang Fei's sneak attempt at making the teleportation circle. Once Jiang Fei made it happen, they would charge in via the teleportation circle and hit the enemy where it hurts the most. 

"Sorry for my tardiness," said Otis as he greeted Jiang Fei. 

"Nonsense. I have only just arrived as well!" Jiang Fei greeted back.