Second Potion Trial

Besides the shield, the other two Ancient tier equipment were magic-based. As they were worthless to Jiang Fei, he would put everything into the guild storage and let the others have it. The Sword of Abraham, the Destroyer of Kingdoms, was all he needed. 

The further he went, the more enemies he met. They were just NPC bosses and a few players that had been living in a cave to not know who Jiang Fei was. Fortunately, with the power of the Cauldrons, no one could harm Jiang Fei. Inversely, all that dared to face Jiang Fei would be met with fire and fury! 

By the time the server shut down, Jiang Fei had reached the outskirts of the Celestial's territory. Like the Abyss to the Nephilim race, Celestials had their own territory which they dubbed as the Heaven. The place had nothing to do with its name as it was just a territory. The real heaven was amongst the cloud, where the High Humans lived and thrived.