Scary Soulcutter

Just as Jiang Fei was about to take Soulcutter's Spirit by surprise, Soulcutter's Spirit felt the murderous aura. However, as he was afraid of Jiang Fei, he did not dare to fight back. Instead, he quickly said, "Sir, if you spare my life, I'm willing to offer you my spirit and return to being a sword spirit under your command!"

"Hmm?" Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows. He had already lifted Abraham, Destroyer of Kingdoms, but he began to lower it slowly.

At this time, although Soulcutter's Spirit was kneeling on the ground with his back facing Jiang Fei, he was breaking out in cold sweat. He had obviously sensed Jiang Fei's intentions. Otherwise, he would not make such a concession in a hurry.

Offering his spirit was tantamount to tearing up his own soul. This meant that he would be subject to someone else for life. If Jiang Fei accepted his spirit, Jiang Fei would have the ultimate power to kill him and could even kill him with just a thought!