Mysterious Beast

Jiang Fei took a gander at the beautiful succubus before striking the boss once to kill him. As he slowly paced through the equipment and stored them in his inventory, Jiang Fei turned to Akatziris, who was gazing at him the entire time and said, "It's not what you think. You have served me well and I would want you to continue to do so. It's just… the current status… I do not feel that it's fair for you."

"Is that so…" Akatziris sighed. 

The two of them headed out of the dungeon after Jiang Fei had cleared it. Outside, Akatziris showed a different emotion. This time, she was worried. The subtle arch of her luscious eyebrow was a clear indication that she was worried that her master would discard her like used goods. 

"Am I no longer useful to you, master?" Akatziris was worried.