Girls Were Born Liars...

"Of course! I'm really smart, you know!" Miluya pumped up her chest, then held onto Jiang Fei's hand and ran northwest.

"Hey! Are you sure you remember the way?" Jiang Fei asked doubtfully. The both of them had been trekking for almost an hour, but they were still trapped in the endless Gobi Desert. Nothing had changed. The only thing that reassured Jiang Fei was that they did not see the withered pine tree anymore, which meant that they were not walking in circles, at least.

"Big brother, you have to believe in Miluya!" Miluya said with a serious face.

"Okay..." Jiang Fei nodded. He had no other choice anyway.

After they continued for another fifteen minutes or so, something new finally appeared before their eyes.

It was the ruins of a palace. From the ruins, one could vaguely tell that the palace was once magnificent. Now, however, only broken walls and scattered gravel remained.

"Where is this?" Jiang Fei asked curiously.