First-come, First-serve

Jiang Fei profusely manned the excavator, powering it to the maximum to dig through the dirt. 

"Bella, just relax. I'll definitely get that Core to save your life!" Jiang Fei said to himself. 

"Captain, please slow down. We are close to the target," said 0542, trying to calm Jiang Fei down, seeing that he was pushing the excavator to its limits. 

"Right… Sorry," said Jiang Fei. He quickly turned the machine down a notch. A few minutes later, Jiang Fei stopped the machine entirely and dug through the dirt by himself. Following 0542's instructions and guidance, he dug through the right spot and found the entrance to the fragment. 

"Accessing security system…" 

A few short moments later, the door opened with a loud metallic grinding sound. 

"Where is the Core?" Jiang Fei hummed, not caring about anything else but the only thing that could save Isabella's life.